This project takes in a series of inputs from the user such as location, clothing items, and
fashion style desired. Based off of all those inputs,
the application will determine the best outfit for the user's environment and wants.
This project was fully devloped in React and it's purpose was to showcase our knowledge of the
versatile framework. With the use of Hooks, we were able to sucessfully make API calls and pass
information between components seamlessly. The application starts off asking the user for their
location (city, country). Based off of that information, it wil make a call to the OpenWeather
API and grab the weather data for that particular city. This action then displays the wardrobe
inventory that allows users to input their own wardrobe items (shirts, pants, cardigans, etc.).
They can then select from 4 buttons - each creating a different fashion style - and the
application will then suggest the outfit the user wears while informing them of the weather.
check out my documentation throughout the process